


Re-Programming The Planet

Our Mission

BrandB Rad!o will be The First Mass-Media 'Call to Action' For The Planet


BrandB Rad!o will Always be Up-to-Date with the Unfolding Climate Story; Reflecting, Analysing and Positively Affecting the NOW of Our Climate & Biodiversity Crisis.

Presenting Quality Spoken-Word and Music, 24/7, Globally, the BBC's founding-principles to Inform, Educate and Entertain will apply equally to BrandB Rad!o.

But Broadcasting Technology and Listening Culture have moved on since their inception over a Century ago. The Modern Audience expects a Different, Certain-something; a Style and Content-Edge which Delivers a Clear, Confident and Welcoming Tone to Catalyse Their Longer and Deeper Listening.

We'll be that Musically On-it, Informative, Entertaining, Experimental and Daring in part, Helpful and Uplifting Companion to the Listeners' Days and Nights.

We are Currently Growing BrandB Rad!o as a Mass Audio-platform Messaging and Advancing the Positive News and 'Green Thinking' around Environmentalism, Sustainability, Biodiversity, Lifestyle, Food & Drink, Fashion, Travel, Health & Wellbeing, Sports, Arts & Culture.

From Guest Podcasts to Guided Meditations, Up-to-Date Interviews to Quirky ECOtainment and Classic Contemporary Music, BrandB Rad!o's Talent will Create Programmes which Have a Different Effect.

Hop Aboard!

Emanating from any Smart Device, whether on the go, busy at home or with your feet up, BrandB will Promote Sustainable, Eco-wise Goods and Services to a Listenership of Consumers who are Aware of, or at least Awaking to, the Power Their Buying Choices Have for the Future of, well, let's face it, Everything!


BrandB Rad!o is involving Young People at all levels of its organisation and production-team and will feature Their News and Views to inspire the rest of Our Rising Population. If you know of anyone who has the right Skills and Passions to contribute, please urge them to contact us!

What & How Next?

We'd love the chance to share more details about BrandB Rad!o and also get to know you and your work, the better to understand how We Can Amplify your Voice, Story and Adventure. Please email us to collaborate.

Help Draw Our Strengths Together in Challenge to the Status Quo
(though we may Rock with 'em!)

Listening - Learning - Justice - Jive - Tribe ... and You :)

Our Team

Dave Allen

Dave Allen
Founder & Executive Producer

Dave Allen

Will Cotterell

Will Cottrell
Executive Board

Will Cottrell

Paul Redfern

Paul Redfern

Paul Redfern

Matt Wilkinson

Matt Wilkinson
Senior Sound

Matt Wilkinson

Tony Ling

Tony Ling

Tony Ling

S Allen

Julie Allen
FCA/Board Director

Julie Allen

S Allen

Lucy Bolt
Virtual Assistant/Researcher

Lucy Bolt

S Allen

Nev Ward
Production Advisor

Nev Ward

LC Idaho

LC Idaho

LC Idaho

Founder & Executive Producer
Dave has a professional background in media, education, community-development and environmental activism in Brighton and beyond. BrandB Rad!o marries his twin passions of caring for the planet and creating effective messaging in order to positively effect the transition our twin Climate Emergency and Biodiversity crises demand. Clients have included Brighton & Hove Museum & Art Galleries, Brighton Festival and the nascent Disasters Emergency Committee. He tutored media-production at Northbrook College, Worthing and GBMC, Brighton for seven years. Before 'retiring' Dave was a Community Development Worker for both Brighton and Hove Council and the Trust for Developing Communities. He has recently given up his role as Coordinator for the Brighton & Hove Friends of the Earth group.

Executive Board Director
Will is Chairman and Co-founder of Brighton Energy Coop (BEC), a community owned renewable energy business in Brighton, UK. Overseeing both new-project development and fund-raising for BEC he has fulsome experience in Marketing & Communications. In 2014 Will was awarded Community Energy Fundraiser of the Year. In 2015 he won the People's Environmental Award's Prize for Energy. Previously Will founded and ran a local magazine for Barcelona, a yoga holiday company in Egypt and was an active and successful anti-fracker in Sussex and beyond. He currently delights in making Art & Esoteric Music-mixes.


Editorial Advisor
Paul was the UK Correspondent for the 'Daily Nation', Africa's largest-selling English-language newspaper outside of South Africa for over thirty years; specialising in social, political and environmental news. He was the Senior Press Officer for 'Christian Aid' and up until recently taught Politics at Cardinal Newman, Brighton & Hove's largest secondary-school.

Senior Sound Director
Matt has worked with sound on tours with musical theatre, live events (and associated post-production) since 2001 and is now an established production sound mixer to the film and television industry. Matt's work can be heard regularly on BBC1 and 2, CBBC, Amazon, Netflix, Disney, Sky Sports and for many other broadcasters worldwide. Happily he brings this wealth of experience, professionalism and know-how to sharpen BrandB's audio-quality.

Senior Engineer
'Tekno Tone' is BrandB Rad!o's hardware & engineering boffin. He's been involved for a number of years with pirate radio e.g. Radio 4A (in Brighton) as well as designing and building Juice FM's mobile Outside Broadcast studio. Tekno's work has also taken him abroad, notably when building and maintaining community radio stations for an NGO internews in what later became South Sudan.

FCA/Board Director

Julie has over 30 years’ experience giving financial advice to leading businesses across many sectors. A qualified Chartered Accountant, she was her firm’s youngest and first female partner, holding several senior business advisory positions including Group Development Director of a financial-services Plc. As well as now running her family business, Julie has volunteered with Childline for over 12 years, recently winning a ‘Stepping Up’ award for her commitment and contribution.

Virtual Assistant/Researcher

Lucy has worked her administrative magic for many companies and charities such as The Forestry Commission and 'Exeter Community Initiatives' over the years and loves being able to help small organisations grow. She lives off-grid aboard her narrowboat and enjoys exploring the UK’s waterways, sharing her adventures through social media and writing a regular blog. She can occasionally be found singing at ‘open mic’ events accompanied by her partner on guitar.

Production Advisor

Nev has a decades-long career in radio as a Recording Engineer, Sound Designer, Commissioning Editor, Transmitter Engineer, Facilities Manager and 'guiding mind' to many a Radio-entity. Career highlights include a week on 'Radio Caroline', producing at 'The Big Chill Festival' and 'Treworgy Tree Fair' and broadcasting live from, and to, 'Glastonbury Festival'. Nev's broadcasts were known for their varied subjects and editorial quality and, although usually behind-the-scenes rather than in front of the microphone, he has been known to DJ and Compere live-broadcasts. Nev brings his wealth of robust Radio experience and know-how to bolster BrandB Rad!o's programme-making capabilities.

Website Design
Lal has been immersed in the world of software development starting out as a mainframe operator before moving on to software architecture, design, coding and then managing and leading large development teams across the world. Now retired he enjoys the creativity of web site design along with foraging and cycling!

Founder Content-Partners

  • Ashden
  • Brighton Energy Coop
  • Community Radio Environment Network
  • Dave Goulson/'Silent Earth’
  • 'DJ Our House'
  • Friends of the Earth UK
  • Impossible Metals
  • Indian Futures
  • Janey Lee Grace/ex-Steve Wright Show, BBC Radio 2
  • Jarvis Smith/'My Green Pod' and Purposeful Business Leader
  • Lewes Climate Hub
  • 'Mixer Will'
  • Our City Our World/BHCC
  • OVESCo
  • Penny Southgate/'One Love One Planet'
  • South East Climate Alliance

Open for Businesses & Concerns Addressing the Climate Emergency


+44 (0) 7961 055243


© 2023 BrandB Radio

Web Design by LC Idaho